Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kim Kardashian Photos

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For all the Winners readers heres the first of two updates on the Kim Kardashian, Ray J, Reggie Bush Love triangle..

First lets just start with the piece that they are all fighting over… We all know pictures are retouched so heres a few of today’s pics of Kim Kardashian untouched….

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009’s Sexiest Woman Alive: Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson

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I had to do this one for the guys. It’s pretty instinctual for every guy to watch a girl pass by, and for us to just glance a look—it doesn’t matter if we are with our girlfriends, wives, mothers and they are the greatest person alive, we just do it and sorry ladies but that’s just the way it will always be. I will be the first to admit that we are animals so don’t worry.

Today pits MEGAN FOX vs Scarlett Johansson in a straight up hottie off bikini contest. Now both women are gorgeous and I think just about any guy would drop their current piece for one of these two but their styles are completely different.

Scarlett is that classic look. Light skin, blonde hair, light eyes whole some look. Someone that you can take home to mom, but still with a killer body. I don’t know if any of you guys saw He’s Just Not that Into You, but just one word can describe her in that movie…damn

Now Megan Fox is that straight up sexy bad girl that no parent wants to see at home. Tattoos cover some of her body and the dark hair and gorgeous light eyes just give you a look like she is gonna rock your world.

The only thing in common with these two is that they both do comic movies. Megan Fox is in Transformers, while Scarlett Johansson does Iron Man.


For me the dark hair and light eyes does it and Its Megan Fox all the way for me….. but am I cutting this contest short??

Do we need to throw in Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel and maybe so others.. LET ME KNOW AND WE CAN DEBATE ALL DAY

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The World Baseball Disaster

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2009 saw the second ever World Baseball Classic… Let me first start by just saying, what is so Classic about it. Before the game I picked Japan to win tonight, but in the beginning of the tournament I picked the stacked Dominicans who played disappointing.
Let Winners just let you all know some of my gripes for this tournament that is supposed to pit countries biggest baseball stars against one another.
1. Players- It’s cool to be patriotic and all, but 95% of these players play in the MLB and live in America but are willing to play for the team that they find their roots in. Alex Rodriguez is born in America, speaks English, lives in America and plays for the YANKEES WHERE HE IS WAY OVERPAID and yet still runs to the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC when tourney time comes around
2. Timing- The MLB season in less than 10 days away, people are looking to the major leagues for baseball, not some ridiculous tournament. If it was played in December in warm areas then they may get more than 13,000 people at a game.
3. Injuries- These players such as Robinson Cano are going back to the teams that are paying them injured and less than 100%
4. Did anyone else find it funny that everything is in English no matter where it’s played. Japan’s jersey’s say Japan in English. If it’s supposed to be native to a country wouldn’t it be in Japanese?
The WBC is what the Olympics would be like if professional baseball players were allowed to play.
I must give props to the Japanese and Korean teams though. The majority of their players do play in the leagues of their country, and in 2009 they did dominate. But coincidentally it was an MLB PLAYER ICHIRO SUZUKI OF THE SEATTLE MARINERS WITH THE GAME WINNING RBI IN THE TOP OF THE 10TH INNING TO GIVE JAPAN THE 5-3 WIN OVER KOREA IN THE FINAL.
But Congratulations Japan on going back to back at the WBC
I think that if USA had some of its big dogs coming out to play baseball would officially be America’s pastime. But until these guys care about their country and not their paychecks (which will never happen) the only thing USA would dominate is the World Football Classic and no I am not talking about soccer.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jonas Brothers Fan Club

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Teeny Bopper Sensations
The Jonas Brothers Fan Club is one of the biggest in the nation right now… These three young men have dedicated themselves to celibacy and staying pure even though more young hot ass is being thrown at them right now then these three faggy singers could probably handle. This fan club that is exploding right now is allowing the members who visit Team Jonas to buy tickets to their new world tour early.

Lets face it, these three are not fighting anyone outside their circles except their 1995 clones the HANSON BROTHERS. So if they were to square up to see who the best three brothers band, who would it be?

Hailing from Wyckoff, New Jersey, the band consists of three brothers: Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas. Hanson was the older brother, the younger one and the one that looks like a girl. But still for me its Hanson all the way…
Nothing beats MMbop

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wedding Bells for Bruce Willis

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He’s old and still a bad ass pulling in younger women. Yesterday Bruce Willis wed his girlfriend Emma Heming in the Turks and Caicos. The two have been dating since last year, and Bruce at 54 is 24 years Emma’s senior. It is Willis’ second marriage and Emma’s first.

On the other hand ex-wife and cougar Demi Moore has been married to Ashton Kutcher for awhile now.

So who did better—Bruce or Demi?

Winners says Bruce, he took some time after the divorce gathered his life, dated someone for awhile, made a movie and is getting his career back on the uphill. Plus the fact he would kick the crap out of Ashton in a fight.

He’s an action star. I can picture it now.. the two square up on the red carpet bumping shoulders, Ashton makes a stupid comment under his breath.

Bruce turns and punches him right in the face dropping him in one punch, gets right over his face and just goes



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As a fight fan I like to keep my eye on up and comers. Internet street brawling sensation Kimbo Slice was all the rage for about a year. He was tearing up Elite XC even though he was fighting UFC wash-ups, until one day where scrub Seth Pertruzelli steps in for Ken Shamrock on hours notice and knocks Kimbo out in less then 30seconds.

So where is Kimbo now?

As of now nothing is scheduled, his contract is being negotiated with Strikeforce at the moment. There are rumors that he might go to pro boxing cause his ground game sucks.. Sorry Kimbo.

A match I could see is Butterbean v. Kimbo.