Wednesday, February 18, 2009


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This past Sunday graced us with NBA’S all-star game. For the past week analysts across the nation have been trying to figure out if Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Byrant would be able to co-exist as team mates on the Western All Star team. The two have had a long time feud over the past years despite them being considered one of the best NBA duo’s of all time winning three championships. From 2003 to the present the two have consistently traded blows verbally about ones importance to a team or even Kobe saying that Shaq used to come to training camp fat and out of shape. But this Sunday the two men stood side by side as CO-MVPS for the All-Star game. Through all the fake smiles it was quite obvious that the two men were just happy for the cameras and really wanted to punch each others lights out.
For two men with such giant egos it is not enough to settle the battle of words on the court, but it needs to be a battle of the fisticuffs. Both saying they grew up in poverty it is only fitting that they two men settle their problems like any other family with stupidity they like to argue about… the Jerry Springer show
For this play by play we need you to just imagine the 7’1 monster Shaq entering the stage, with and explaining to an excited drunk crowd how Kobe just isn’t the same with out him, and how he needs him so they can re-unite and win a championship. In one of his infamous Shaq-Fu raps he cites
YO YO, me and Dwayne did it for the Heat
Your Lakers without me is pretty beat
I’m the big Shaq-Fu
Bitch with out me who is you?
Then as soon as Shaq head gets a little bit bigger so no head band will ever fit him, out comes Kobe. Retaliating with a slew of your just a fat old mess comments and a retire already Kobe never makes it to his seat before the crowd starts to chant.. JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY, as the two men charge one another.
The Shaq-Fu moves from Super Nintendo really do work in real life as the wana be Jabbawockee is surprisingly quick on his feet. Kobe seems to be doing a cross over and amazingly a fight has turned into a dance off. Using his head Jerry throws a 2009 NBA Championship ring in between the two and the fight is back on. Shaq see’s the shiny metal and his big goofy body immediately flops to the floor to play with it while Kobe knows he needs that ring to make up to his wife for the next time he cheats.
The two over sized men roll across the stage trading blows until Shaq realizes his size and sits on him holding the ring up with a big smile across his face.
Big Steve the bouncer breaks up the battle declaring Shaq the winner and telling Kobe don’t worry your wife came back and his left just go home and be happy with that.

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