Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chris Brown vs Rihanna --the showdown

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As many of you know this past week the lovebirds known as Chris Brown and Rihanna were involved in a bit of a scruffle were the two had an altercation of the fists. Its reported that Rihanna has walked away with some bruises and cuts leading to Chris Brown being dropped from his Wrigley gum campaign. WHAT I AM HERE TO BRING TO YOU IS THE EVENT FANS WANT TO SEE KNOWN AS WHO WOULD WIN ROUND 1
Let’s first start with footwork of Chris Brown, we all know that the man is light on his feet so he would be able to move around the ring pretty good dodging some blows that Rihanna may be able to throw at him, and everyone knows that with good footwork comes good dance arms which may allow him to throw a food good slaps her way (if the bruises were not proof enough)
Rihanna on the other hand has the man’s haircut which would have to be backed up with a few manly punches she would be able to throw. Lets not forget about the vocal pipes either and the fact that as a woman combined with those pipes she will be able to scream and complain until Chris can no longer take it plugging up his ears leaving his face and body wide open.

--The verdict--- A pissed off girl is out for revenge and Rihanna takes out Chris Brown with a stiletto in the second round further embarrassing Chris Brown and disgracing his manhood for beating on a woman.

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